Monday, April 10, 2006
Diminishing Returns

Forty hours without sleep, 1 hour and 18 minutes before the deadline, I submitted my portfolio to the Creative Track then went to work at KSL. There's something eerie about being awake all day, watching the sun go down, then come back up, and go back down again without ever closing your eyes except to blink. Time actually starts to go by faster and energy comes in short spurts. All your ideas seem like pure genius until sleep injects you with sanity and reason.

I think I do my best creative work late at night. But like running a marathon, there's a wall you hit and it takes everything you've got left to break through it and finish. (I wouldn't know anything about running a marathon...I'm pretty much allergic to running unless it's towards a chocolate pie or away from a relationship. But I've heard people talk about 'em.) Anyway- at about 30 hours I was on the phone with people at work (which I skipped) trying to work some things out (nice job Bryan), and my brain wasn't really functioning. I could actually tell I was thinking and talking slower, and I couldn't help it. It was like coming out of a nitrous oxide induced coma, and trying to set the VCR to record Married With Children (never done that either but you can imagine, right?). Neat experience.

Anyway, after the feedback on my first "Don't N-Waste Utah" ad, I took a bit of a different direction away from the gas mask idea and toward a "where do we draw the line" point of view. It really didn't come through quite like I thought it did at 4:30am...but it will have to do. Anyway, it was just an addition to the campaigns for drug awareness, REI (which I think both hold their own), and other ads for The Geek Squad, the Marketing Association, and a few design pieces.

I've got to say the portfolio case turned out pretty incredible. Made of black foam core with silver embossed logo- as long as they don't judge by the work inside, it should be my ticket into the creative track.

The real genius is in the case, thanks Uncle Gary.

In about two weeks, I should know if I was accepted. If not, I'll be finishing school early and probably a little disappointed, but happy just the same.

light breaks underneath
a heavy door
and i try to keep myself awake
fall all around on a hotel floor
and you think that you've made a mistake
and there's a pain in my stomach
from another sleepless binge
and i struggle to get myself up again
i want to hang onto something
that wont break away or fall apart
like the pieces of my heart*

*from Globes and Maps by Something Corporate. Good song. Real good song.
posted by Brett Crockett @ 12:10 AM  
  • At 9:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I'd say good luck, but with a case like that, who needs luck.

  • At 8:20 PM, Blogger becca said…

    way to go! i saw this case in person.

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