Monday, February 20, 2006

What's a "meme?" In French, it means "the same." In English...I don't know, I just do what I'm told.

So, Paul's image is way better than mine...and after doing some research, it doesn't look like an image is even required, but I thought I'd give it a shot anyway. Here are my responses:

Four jobs I've had
1. Service Tech at Burt Brother's Tire
2. Spanky's (I was king of the 6 inch sub)
3. On-site Events Coordinator at KSL Newsradio
4. Intern at Richter7
-My favorite? What could be better than making sandwiches at Colonial Square with Jose and Phil? I also work for PowerPlay Productions, but it doesn't really count as work.

Four movies I could watch over and over
1. Bottlerocket
2. Waiting for Guffman
3. Spellbound
4. Crash or Garden State
-Close runner-ups would be Raising Arizona, Harold and Maude, and Titanic. Just kidding about that last one.

Four places I've lived
1. Pleasant Gove, UT
2. Bountiful, UT
3. Sion, Switzerland
4. Annecy, France
-I will live in Switzerland again.

Four tv shows I love
1. The Office
2. 24
3. CNN
4. There aren't four...
-The Office is the best show ever. Ever.

Four places I've vacationed
1. Zermatt
2. Florence, Italy
3. Ketchikan, Alaska
4. Belize
-And soon to be Kauai.

Four of my favorite dishes
1. Steak and Mashed Potatoes
2. Sushi- Vegas Rolls
3. Cajun Chicken Alfredo from the Porcupine Grille
4. Ramen
-Ramen is only on the list because without it, I'd have died four years ago.

Four sites I visit daily
1. passwird
3. newsvine

Four places I'd rather be right now
1. Snowbird
2. Switzerland
3. Moab
4. Grant's Island

Four people I'm tagging
Jake Crockett
Becca Foster
Dave Rathbunstein
Larry Sagers
posted by Brett Crockett @ 3:00 PM  
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