Tuesday, March 08, 2005
On The Job Hunt
Summer is coming up and this is the first time in almost forever that I won't be going to Belize or Florida or Switzerland...so I guess I'm gunna have to go to work instead. I'm really not that good at getting jobs, probably b'cause the only ones I've ever really tried to get were from family members and friends. I prefer to make work for myself, so I build things like websites and lemonade stands and hope the money will come rolling in.

When you have a lot of people to pay back though, and don't see any of that money on the horizon, sometimes you decide you're gunna have to get a real job. I haven't come to that point yet-- thank Francis. (He's the guy who stole Pewee's bike and hid it in the Alamo)

Anyway, I applied for jobs at X96, KSL Radio, and as a Video Documentary Editior at the Motion Picutre Studios in Provo. I've got an interview with KSL on Friday, but haven't heard from x96/Simmons yet.

The fun part, though, has been applying for the documentary editor position at MSP. They sent me samples of the type of work they were looking for and it was a guy in his office looking for some baby toy, and another guy in another office talking about how getting an education is "in a way, taking a risk of losing your old ideas." From the clips, I could see they like to keep a cutting-edge, non-conforming attitude. One of those guys was in his office and he was wearing socks--no shoes! And the other had a book about lazers! Oh yeah, and there was a guy taking down his tent trailer while he recited his heart-felt lines to the camera man. You know- like "This Old House - Parking Lot Camping Edition."

So, they wanted samples of my work. I sent them a commerical I made for PowerPlay and one I made for GameBoy Advance SP. They both include loud music, they're fast paced, and include something interesting to look at. I knew I wouldn't fit into their picture, but I thought it was worth a shot.

This is the message I got from them today:


Thank you for bringing me a sample of your work. I enjoyed watching your stuff, but am afraid that you were not selected for the position.

Incidentally, it seemed to me that you have some ability as a documentary cameraman. That is, you seem able to work a camera decently on the fly, so to speak. You mentioned that you did a mockumentary — have you ever shot any "real" documentaries (that is, based in the tradition — it doesn't need to be, perhaps shouldn't be, anything that was marketed, etc)? If you haven't, I think you should try it. Go watch "Paul Tomkowitz: Streetcar Railway Switchman" and "The Cruise" (both at the Orem library) and consider.... Anyway, just a thought.

Some ability? "Some!?!" The mocumentary he was talking about was Dank Summer. Think what he would have done if he'd a had to sit through that whole thing. I guess sometimes quality just isn't appreciated. No, he's right. I'm an amature, but why don't they consider love for the sport these days? Anyway, it's ok I didn't get the job, 'cause that means I won't have to live in Provo for the summer. And besides, I'm banking on X96...are you listening Todd?

I'll let you know how things go with KSL, but I'm not sure if they want some college kid representing in their 35-54 demographic target. But hey- I'm going grey, so I guess you never know.
posted by Brett Crockett @ 2:00 PM  
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