Thursday, October 04, 1990
Bavarian Contract For Sale

But some frog drawings are still for sale. Email for info.

See the Bavarian's website here.
On the corner of 560 North 800 East

You'll be living in apartment 402. It's a really nice 3-man apartment just south of BYU campus. Takes me about 12 miutes to walk to my classes.

I'm getting married and the 2 others are graduating, so if you want to move in with your friends, it will be a pretty sweet opportunity. The entire apartment will be empty come January 1st.

Cool ward with a cool bishop and a guy who's really good at the violin.

There's free cable and internet, a washer and dryer, 2 bathrooms, a fridge and all that. Carpet, large couch and love seat, table, counters, micro, stove and over are all like new. Actually, the complex is pretty new and everything is in top condition.

Only $315/month, and I'll throw in a free drawing of a frog (I did it with a Sharpie). Email or call 801-824-5544 me if you want to see some pictures of the place (brett at bcrockett dot com), or I'll post some up soon.

I'll actually be moving out in the middle of December so if you want to get in early, shouldn't be a problem. Oh- and you get your own reserved parking space. It'll make you feel special.


posted by Brett Crockett @ 11:00 PM  
  • At 10:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Nice job with the photography. -jpc

  • At 3:48 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    So here's the deal:
    We want the frog. Is it frame-able? Will you sign it to me and my homies? Will you say that we are cool and can we be your favorites? Frogs are my favorites. They are my favorite amphibians. If you leave out the apartment and the wonderfully photographed(Is photography your major?) couches you've got a deal! Let us know pronto, we've got another frog deal in the works. But that one isn't drawn in sharpie, just pencil, so you might have the advantage. We are always looking for the next fly-eating, art masterpiece and are willing to pay mucho packets of ramen.
    Much love
    Irritating freshmen girls living in crappy dorms that love frog drawings and never sleep

  • At 10:18 AM, Blogger Brett Crockett said…

    Photography is not my major, I just have very photogenic couches. As a matter of fact, Amphibian Life is my major, and I'm minoring in Frog Studies. I was thinking about doing a minor in marsupials, but it just felt too restricting, so I switched to frogs last semester and things are going really well.

    I can let the frog drawing go (although I can't sign it becasue of a thing I had with a pencil a few years ago...long story), but it's going to require more than just Ramen.

    So you know, I have drawings of a normal frog, a frog on a stick, a frog with wings, a frog with antlers, and a frog smoking a Cuban cigar (comes with Surgeon General's warning), so you'll have to choose between those. I can't give them all to one person unless they have already demonstrated the ability to care for and maintain a series of five (5) sharpie drawings at a time.

    Thanks for your interest.

  • At 1:38 PM, Blogger Scott Brown said…

    do you have any pictures of a frogicorn? It is a combination of a frog and a unicorn and it is the most beautiful animal in the world. Imagine the pristine grace of the unicorn combined with the sleekness and leaping ability of the amphibial frog.

  • At 1:58 PM, Blogger Brett Crockett said…

    I did have a picture of a frogicorn, but it was eaten by a dolphicorn (a dolphin with an ear of corn where it's horn or "staff" should be. Normlly, you would expect the dolphicorn to take on the natural traits and abilities of the frogicorn (how many times have we heard the phrae "you are what you eat"), but this was not the case.

    The dolphicorn really just spends the afternoons sitting there flipping between Judge Judy and SportsCenter. I've encouraged him to get help, but he doesn't understand english.

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